Test Preparation
One of the most important things one will ever face in college, university, or high school is the basic test. Most of the time, your main grade is based on how well one performs on tests and exams administered by the professor. Some of the effects this may have on the student include stress, poor performance, and anxiety, which may, in turn, lead to cramming and possibly even health, fitness, and nutrition issues. However, one does oneself no good by following this trend; on the contrary, if one makes a regular study habit, practices with friends or classmates, pays attention in class, reads the textbook, takes notes, or a combination of these suggestions, one will do one well in the long run. Sometimes, just taking deep breaths and remaining calm will help one perform much better on an exam than one would have otherwise. Another reason one should remain calm is that, quite often, the "self-fulfilling prophecy" will affect one and one's actions while taking a test. I...